Instant Superglues
Our Instant Superglues are made in the USA and available in a vast selection for your specific application needs. With Methyl Cyanoacrylate or Ethyl Cyanoacrylate as the key ingredient in all our superglues, you can be confident in a powerful hold at the perfect viscosity rating. All Instant Superglues have a full cure time of 24 hours; although have varying fixture cure times. It is best for instant superglues to be refrigerated at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or stored in cool areas that are out of the sunlight.
Our low – medium viscosity methyl cyanoacrylate is perfect for general bonding of metal surfaces. This instant superglue has a fixture cure time of 20-40 seconds. Available in 1oz sized bottles.
The low – medium viscosity ethyl cyanoacrylate is made specifically for bonding plastics and rubber materials. The fixture cure time for this instant superglue is only 15-40 seconds. Ready-to-ship in 1oz sized bottles.
Our Non-Drip Gel is designed specifically for porous surfaces. This Instant superglue will not run on vertical surfaces and has a fixture cure time of 30-70 seconds. Stocked and ready-to-ship in 20gm bottles.
The Surface Insensitive Gel is perfect for vertical applications bonding wood, leather, cardboard and other substrates. The gel has a fixture cure time of 30-70 seconds and is stocked in 20gm sized bottles.